.... but now I'm back!
Ever had those times in your life where you felt life taking you in a different direction..... so you follow that path..... only to find yourself back where you started?? Welcome to my world! :)
As some of you know, I have a business on etsy called Little Black Dog Boutique. I was baking all natural doggie treats, getting my poor babies fat as taste testers, then realized I was in love with my sewing machine again! I started making dog collars and leashes. Then blogging. Then tweeting. Then facebooking. Somewhere along the line of "promoting" I became a tad burnt out. Been there? I started doing direct sales and the path started moving in a different direction......
Direct sales can be a ton of fun, don't get me wrong! (In fact, I am still involved in a company called Blessings Unlimited, which I love. Email me if you're curious... lol) The path, however, didn't feel true. Not a bad path or a wrong path, mind you, but it felt like I was taking a long way to get where I wanted to go. Not exactly the most fulfilling path.
Still with me?
Enter a sweet woman with a charity and a love for my collars who out of the blue asks me if I would like to participate in a vendor/craft show. Sure, I say - but which would you rather have - the direct sales company or my dog collars? She allows me to pick. I pick the collars. Great choice. :)
The collars go over like gang busters. I sell quite a few more on my etsy site over the Christmas holiday. And I LOVED being involved in the craft show! So much so, that I agree to take part in her show this year - and start looking for more to be involved in. My creative spark is re-ignited. I thought up a TON of new ideas to add to my shop (slowly......) and am back expressing myself, sharing stories and doggie love along the way.
I guess that brings me back to where I started, eh? Well..... be talking to you again soon. Please forgive my absence, it will not be near as long until you hear from me again. In the meantime, jog on over to Facebook, if you will, and "like" my page. I'll be operating a lot of giveaways and exclusive discounts to my shop from there. I'll also be posting fun videos and pics to make you smile. My facebook page is www.facebook.com/lbdogboutique. You can also catch me being a twit @lbdogboutique.
I'd love to hear from you! Have a fun dog story or pic to share? Let's hear it. :) See you soon....